Orley Ford University
SanJuan Opico, El Salvador
El Salvador Update: We are raising $50,000 to rebuild the entire sewer system for the high school and university. We have matching funds available so need to raise $25,000 which will be matched. This project is very important, the current system is allowing facility usage, but dumps it on the ground in some fields aways from the school. Not a good solution.
There are AFM missionaries onsite, working with the community. A pastor will be assigned to the church in the near future.
There is still a lot to be done before the building is complete. There are several projects planned for this trip: installing flooring, painting, tiling, concrete work, landscaping, carpentry, and countertop installation. Experience is great but not required.
Reservation Church Plant
Poplar, Montana
The next trip out is scheduled for
May 2024
Care for Cuba
Cuba needs you. In this season of thanksgiving and Christmas let’s give for “the least of these”. Thousands have heard the gospel and given their lives to Jesus through Care for Cuba. Would you help? Support by providing much-needed funds to buy key resources such as bikes, computers, ministry materials, and food. Go to careforcuba.org or mark your tithe envelope as Care for Cuba. Email Fernando Ortiz for more info ortizl@andrews.edu
The annual mission trip to communist Cuba is now in its 9th year and it’s changing the lives of thousands of people in Cuba who have heard the gospel and given their lives to Jesus. Would you help? Support Care for Cuba by providing much-needed funds to buy key resources such as bikes, computers, ministry materials, and food. Go to careforcuba.org or mark your envelope as Care for Cuba or contact Fernando Ortiz at ortizl@andrews.edu.
As of the 4th day in Cuba, more than 100 persons have given their hearts to Jesus. Our goal is to reach 200 baptisms. Would you pray with us for 100 more?